How to buy the TGC token
Which exchange should i use?
The recommended exchange for trading The Garden Coin (TGC) is going to be Pancakeswap. It is important to always cross-check the token address against the following token adress 0x4aee9d30893c5c73e5a5b8637a10d9537497f1c8. After you bought your TGC you can participate in one of Defi games. Each game will have his own documentation and explanation, it's critical to read these through before entering a game.
Follow the steps to buy/sell TGC?
Make sure you have BNB in your wallet and that you are connected to the Binance Smart Chain.
Go to the following link
Click on settings and change Slippage Tolerance to 12%
Click on "Enable BNB" after that click "Swap"
You have know successfully bought TGC tokens
Last updated