Garden Pools
The Garden Pools allow the investors to stake their TGC tokens in a variety of pools while receiving more TGC as a reward.
The role of staking is to help to stabilize and protect the price, while at the same time rewarding the most loyal investors of The Garden.
Staked tokens are taken “off the market” and don’t affect the token in circulation. That effectively brings the token supply down and reduces the sell pressure.
How does staking in The Garden Pools work?
After you stake, there's no lock-up period on your tokens. However, there's a 5% unstake tax to prevent any abuse of the liquidity pool. As for the statistics - TGC pending is your current unclaimed earnings, TGC earned is the amount you claimed to your wallet.
How to stake TGC token?
Go to the Pancakeswap TGC-BUSD pool at:
Add the desired amount of TGC and BUSD - keep in mind, it has to be a 50/50 split
After pairing the liquidity you should receive the TGC-BUSD LP tokens which can be deposited in The Garden Pools at:
At a future point in time we also plan to enable the Lottery function, which will allow staked users to try their luck and win even more TGC!
Last updated